We offer workshops for schools in the West Yorkshire area, all of which are offered free of charge.
FunMaths Roadshow
The University of Leeds is a hub for the FunMaths Roadshow. These excellent resources, developed by the Liverpool Mathematical Society, have proved popular for all age-groups across the UK.
The FunMaths Roadshow is a collection of 350 mathematical activities suitable for use with school and college students between the ages of 5 and 20. The Roadshow currently consists of fourteen 'boxes'. Each box contains 25 mathematical activities displayed on coloured laminated A3 baseboards, with associated equipment. For most groups of participants just two of the boxes are used and the activities are set out on tables in a hall or large space. All that a participant needs is a pen or pencil.
Read more here.
Suitable for KS2 to KS5 pupils.
The equipment is unfortunately not available until April. However, please contact to arrange to borrow the resources after this time.
We offer a number of Maths competitions for younger Maths enthusiasts to test their skills.
Pop Maths Quiz
The Pop Maths Quiz is an annual event celebrating all things Maths with an enjoyable team competition! Teams of up to 6 can enter to have fun and win prizes.
Only open to schools. Years 7 and 8. Teams no larger than 6.
Find out more at Pop Maths Quiz.
February Half Term Challenges
These are maths competitions for pupils to complete at home during February Half Term. This year the competition is being run by the STEM team at the University of Leeds and winners and their families will be invited to an evening of mathematical enrichment and prize-giving in May.
Open only to schools. Year 7 - 10 pupils.
Competition papers are available to download.
For more details and to download the 2020 Half Term ChallengesMaths Miniatures
– a short film competition for schools and colleges
The University of Leeds have teamed up with MathsWorldUK and UKMT to run an annual maths video contest for young people. The challenge is for your students to produce a short film on a particular theme.
The rules are that the film must be no longer than three minutes, in which a team of two to six students explore the year’s theme. Each team is responsible for all the planning and content of the film and the film should include a clear explanation of the mathematics involved.
Mathematics is everywhere – it is integral to modern life and surrounds us in our natural environment, but it appears in our leisure activities too! It’s also important that people learn to communicate mathematical thinking well. This competition is a way for students to work as a team to explore some mathematics and develop their communication and team-working skills.
When the next theme is announced you will be able to enter from here.
Previous competition winners are available to view.
Winning entries from the 2016 MathsWorldUK/University of Leeds competition on the theme of Great Mathematicians can also be viewed here.
Advanced Mathematics Support Programme
Enrichment events
Year group: Y8-13
The Advanced Maths Support Programme holds a range of enrichment events for students throughout the region. This includes a full day of enrichment workshops for years 10/11, similar events for year 8/9, and competitions and challenges for year 10 and year 12. Details of upcoming events can be found here.
The AMSP will also arrange for associates to go into schools to deliver mini enrichment events, and give short talks to year 10/11 students to encourage the choice of A level Mathematics (and/or A level Further Mathematics). Support with preparation for competitions and challenges can also be offered to schools that have not previously entered teams.
A level Maths/Problem solving and STEP classes
Year Group: Y12-13
Weekly STEP support classes start in October and continue throughout the school term time until the examination in June.
The AMSP also offer year 12 problem solving classes, aimed at developing skills in problem solving, proof and communication in mathematics. The classes are suitable for any able students who might consider the STEP papers in year 13, or who simply want to improve their problem solving skills.
For more details please visit the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme website.