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Engineering & Computer Science

Materials Science Award

An introduction to engineering subjects for school groups in year 7 - 9. Activity includes workshops in school, on campus and a celebration event.

Campus Experience Days

Experience life as an undergraduate student with access to world-class research, academics and facilities. For students in year 8 - 12.

F1 in Schools

Engage with our Centre of Excellence to support students to become world champions.

Summer School

Delivered in partnership with The Smallpeice Trust, this year's summer school 'Engineering Our Environment' will take place from 15 - 17 July 2025 for year 12 students.

Engineering profiles

Engineering profiles

Find out more about our postgraduate engineers.

Useful Links

Engineering and Physical Sciences Scholarships

Find out more about the scholarship opportunities for students studying subject in the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Introduction to Programming with Python

Free online course developed by Future Learn for Post-16 learners.

Introduction to Coding & Design

Developed by the Institute of Coding this free online course is suitable for KS5 students wanting to explore the technology and design behind websites and apps. With 3 courses to choose from, you will explore the basic principles of computers and coding, identify and use simple coding languages and create a prototype for a mobile app with a great user experience.

Your Career in Chemical Engineering

The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) has published a six-part video series – ‘Your career in chemical engineering’ to showcase the diversity that a career in chemical engineering can offer. These videos feature 18 chemical engineers from recent graduates to executive leaders who share their career journeys and practical tips for boosting employability prospects.


Celebrating Women in Engineering Event

Targeted at year 9- 11 science and maths female/ female- representing students only (maximum 10 p/school). Join us at the...

Future Climate Engineers

Targeted at year 7 – 9 Science and Design & Technology students (maximum 30 students p/school), this project invites young...

Girls into Electronics

A bespoke campus event for year 10 -12 girls currently studying/ with an interest in studying Maths and Physics at...

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