Girls into Electronics
Wednesday 3 July 2024, 09:30 – 15:00
For Year 10, 11 & 12 girls ONLY (individuals and teachers). The University of Leeds is keen to attract more girls into the school of Electronic & Electrical Engineering and is working with UK Electronics Skills Foundation (UKESF) to deliver a one-day event at the University of Leeds.
Meet academics from the School of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, UKESF scholars, current undergraduate engineers, and engineers from Apple to discover more about Electronics. You are invited to take part in practical laboratory-based activities led by Dr Virginia Pensabene, mini lectures, a campus tour and finally a Question & Answer session.
You do not need to have knowledge or experience in electronics or programming: just come, listen and play to learn how many things to can do with a simple microcontroller!
To book please visit - Girls into Electronics | UK Electronics Skills Foundation (
Booking is open to individuals and school groups. The University of Leeds is providing free places (40 total) for schools in disadvantaged areas and students that are eligible for free school meals, first generation to attend university, are care experienced or live in an area with low progression to higher education.
For more information please visit - Girls into Electronics | UK Electronics Skills Foundation (