STEM Opportunities 9.5
STEM Opportunities is our monthly newsletter for teachers which details upcoming events and information that may be of interest.
Check out our most recent issue below and subscribe here to receive future issues!
Leeds Festival of Science Schools Events - last few places
We are looking forward to welcoming many of you onto campus or visiting you in your schools in March and April.
There are a few places left on events on campus - please contact us soon via our booking form if you would like to join in the STEM celebrations.
In particular we still have spaces for some teams for the annual Pop Maths Quiz - for year 7 and 8 students (find out more at
We also have space on the wonderful Weather and Water event - demisting the science of our atmosphere. This is a great opportunity for Key Stage 3 science or geography classes to investigate the processes that make up our weather through hands-on demonstrations. An opportunity not to be missed - 3rd or 4th April 10am till 12pm.
View the available places and book online at
Enriching the teaching of A level statistics - A Study Day for Teachers
Saturday 9th March 2019 11am – 3pm, University of Leeds
This is a great opportunity to improve or refresh your statistics teaching for the new A level mathematics curriculum.
Enjoy 'Some Statistical Starters' session from Stella Dudzic - MEI before a networking lunch and an afternoon session from Darren Macey of Cambridge Mathematics looking at 'Statistical software and simulation in the classroom'.
For more details and to register for the study day please e-mail Alan ( Registration fee £30 (includes lunch).
This event is held in collaboration with the Yorkshire Branch of the Mathematical Association.
Spinal Angles, Statistics and Scoliosis
New Maths roadshow session available from February for KS3.
This session is a great way to show students that the maths skills they are developing are used in the real world in various professions.
The students will find out what the "Cobb angle" is and explore how to determine and measure it to understand scoliotic curve severity from spinal x-rays and analysing results for orthopaedic healthcare applications/professionals.
Curriculum Area: Geometry and Statistics – KS3 Mathematics
Target Audience: Mid-attaining pupils Year 8/9
Limited availability Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays February 2019.
Contact to request a session.
Leeds Loves STEM talks
Target Audience: KS4 or KS5
Duration: 1 hour (includes two student talks)
Our student ambassadors will give a presentation and answer questions about their degree subjects, career paths and their experiences of studying at the University of Leeds.
These talks are a chance for your pupils to find out more about specific STEM subjects and opportunities in higher education. They allow pupils to explore some of the options available for further study and would be ideal for pupils making decisions about which subjects to study at a higher level.
Contact to request a session.
Salters Festival of Chemistry
Tuesday 21st May
Inspire and motivate your Y7 and 8 pupils with this exciting opportunity to take part in a lab-based competition. For more information and to enter a team of four students please visit Schools from disadvantaged areas are encouraged to apply.
STEM Summer Schools
What is it really like to study STEM subjects at university and what opportunities could they lead to? Your students will have the chance to find out during one of our residential summer schools this June and July. They can choose from Biosciences, Food Science, Maths and Physics. Applications open shortly. For more details please visit
An Introduction to Tesla coils
Derek Woodroffe
Free IOP talk
7.00 pm Wednesday 13th February 2019 (free tea, coffee and biscuits from 6:30pm)
University of Leeds, Michael Sadler Building, Rupert Beckett Lecture Theatre
A general talk on Tesla coils, from the original spark gap tesla coils that would be recognised by Nicola Tesla, to modern day computer controlled electronic tesla coils. Briefly discussing the various types of tesla coil, their history, use, construction and design challenges with demonstrations.
Warning: Can attendees with Pacemakers or Cochlear implants please contact the organisers before the start of the talk. (They need to sit at least 5 rows away from the front.) Electric Wheelchairs must be turned off during the talk.
Two new maths roadshow sessions available for Y11-13
Pigeon-hole principle and (ir)rationality of numbers
Curriculum Area: Proof
Duration: 1 hour
Through riddles students will build an understanding of the pigeon-hole principle and of how it can be used. Then, we will apply this rule to deduce that rational numbers can be always presented as a recurring decimal.
Coordinate system through a board game
Curriculum Area: Coordinate geometry
Duration: 1 hour
Students will be introduced to a board game played in pairs, with move choice limited by some mathematical rules. Scoring points will involve writing the equations of the lines formed.
Limited availability in February 2019.
Contact to request a session.
February Half Term Challenges
These are maths competitions for pupils to complete at home during February Half Term break. The Half Term Challenge is aimed at mathematically able and enthusiastic pupils in Years 7 and 8, whilst the Senior Half Term Challenge is aimed at similar pupils in Years 9 and 10. We will accept entries from within a distance of approximately 10π km of Leeds (of course students further afield are very welcome to have a go at the half term challenge for fun). For more details see
Maths Miniatures 2019
– a short film competition for schools and colleges
The University of Leeds have teamed up once more with MathsWorldUK, UKMT and IMO 2019 Ltd to run the annual maths video contest for young people. The challenge is for your students to produce a short (less than 3 minute) film on Mathematics in Sport.
Registration is now open for the 2019 competition!
To register for this free competition, and to receive further information, please complete the form here by the closing date of 29 March 2019. The final videos will need to be submitted by 22 July 2019.