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Discover Food Science

Discover food science is an outreach programme for Y10 students who are interested in science and its practical application to area of food science and nutrition. Schools who take part in the programme will join in with three workshops from December 2024 - January 2025.

Workshop one: Discover Food Science

This workshop will provide insight into what food science is, what it is like to study food science at higher education, and the different pathways students can follow to study food science at a higher education institution. This workshop is 1 hour long, delivered by an undergraduate student ambassador, and will take place in school.

Workshop two and three: On Campus Experience

This workshop will take place at the University of Leeds on 14th of January 2024. Schools should arrive on campus for 09:30, to begin activities at 10:00. Students will take part in a practical lab based activity and an interactive lecture, both of which will provide insight into the experience of a food science undergraduate; this event will take place from 09:30 to 14:30.

Schools will also be provided with a follow up workshop they can run by themselves in the classroom on the cool science of ice-cream.

Important information

This programme is for students from widening participation backgrounds. Due to the limited lab space available on campus, we ask that schools select students to participate who are predicted grade 6 and above in their science and maths GCSEs, schools can select a maximum of 10 students to take part in the programme.
In order to participate in the programme, you must be able to attend the on campus event on the 14th of January 2025.

Getting involved?

Schools can register their interest using the form here. You can find out more about how we use the data from the survey in our privacy notice here.

If you have any questions please contact