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Engineering Transition Workshops

Engineering Transition Workshops 2024

For year 12/ post-16 first year students studying level 3 BTEC Engineering (teachers to book)

By taking part in this programme your students will gain first hand experience about studying engineering at The University of Leeds plus have the information to make informed choices about their future.


Session in school/ college (part 1) - 90 minutes (date of your choice)

 The University of Leeds Engineering schools accept undergraduate students with a BTEC qualification at level 3. Delivered by Hannah Robinson, Civil Engineering, this session will invite students to find out more about the benefits of going to university, scholarships and access schemes available plus engineering course information. 

 Jamie Paterson, currently studying a PhD in maths, will focus on the maths entry exam, giving students an insight into topics that appear on the exam, top tips and demonstrate the correct approach so that students can talk about their answers at interview (if applicable).  


Visit to the University of Leeds  (part 2) - Wednesday 27 March 2024, 9:30- 2:35pm 

Students are invited to experience life and see the facilities available at Leeds. The day will include an academic taster lecture, practical workshops in specialist labs, a campus tour plus an Access to Leeds talk.

This session will start at 9:30am meeting at Parkinson Building and finish at 2:30pm. Please arrange your own way to and from campus.


Get in touch

For more information and/ to book contact Natalie Duffield-Moore